5° Retail & Giurisprudenza evento Milano – 5th Retail & Jurisprudence conference – Milan


The 5th edition of the “Retail & Jurisprudence” event will be held on January 25, 2024, from 9.00 a.m. to 3.30 p.m., in Milano. Organised by Confimprese , this is the only meeting in Italy that offers a complete overview of recent case law in retail matters with interesting insights on topics such as franchising, real estate, employment, competition and corporate compliance

Our Italian member firm Lexellent will also participate in the event, with Senior Partner and Head of Lexellent’s Privacy & Corporate Compliance Department Ugo Ettore Di Stefano who will speak at 11.30 a.m. to discuss the “News on non-commercial information compulsory for customers, partners, suppliers in retail“, examining the critical issues and points of attention on the contents, timing and methods of the information due to customers and suppliers on compliance and the new guidelines of the courts and supervisory authorities on GDPR, Whistleblowing, 231, Security, Marketing.

Finally, from 2.00 p.m. onwards, there will be some parallel in-depth sessions reserved for retail companies, and Lexellent will take stock of the “Operational check-list for verifying compliance with mandatory non-commercial information to customers, partners and suppliers“.

The event is free but it is possible to participate upon registration.

Can’t make it? Get in touch with our expert Ugo Ettore Di Stefano and ask your questions!